Phantom Bridge Documentation

Phantom Bridge is a fast WebRTC and ROS2 Bridge written in Python for real-time ROS data visualization and video streaming, teleoperation, human-robot interaction, and both local and remote robot monitoring.

It comes with Docker Container control for the host machine, system load and Wi-Fi monitoring, and customizable Web Interface for both desktop and mobile touchscreen devices.

This Bridge is indended to be a modern replacement for RViz, in some cases going beyong what is typically consideted a ROS visualization tool, in order to make robotics development with ROS2 easier.


  • Connects P2P or via a TURN server when P2P link is not possible

  • ~5-10ms RTT on local network, 50ms+ RTT remote teleoperation via a TURN server

  • ROS2 topic and service discovery

  • Fast streamimg of binary ROS2 messages (both in a out)

  • Fast H.264 video streaming (hw or sw-encodeded frames)

  • Software encoded ROS2 Image messages streamed as H.264 video (at CPU cost)

  • Docker container discovery and control

  • Reliable ROS2 service calls

  • ROS2 parameneters runtime discovery, read and write

  • User input mapping to ROS control messages (keyboard, gamepad, touch interface)

  • Extra ROS2 packages can be easily included for custom message type support

  • Robot’s Wi-Fi signal monitoring, scan & roaming (requires wpa_supplicant)

  • File retreival from any running Docker container and host fs (such as URDF models)

  • System load and Docker stats monitoring

  • Standalone lightweight Bridge Agent for monitoring and management of various parts of a distributed system

  • Multiple peers can connect to the same machine at a very low extra CPU cost

  • Works with rosbag and sims such as Gazebo or Webots

  • Fully open-source under the MIT license

  • Customizable by self-hosted plug-ins

  • No need for an X server running on the robot, nor any wired connections